HOME; CAC Pastor shoots himself while hunting a deer Published 2 days ago on February 18, 2023By Opalim LiftedCAC Pastor shoots himself while hunting a deerGeorge Olusanya Omoolorun, Pastor of the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Oke Idahun, Oba-Ile, Akure, shot himself to death while on a hunting expedition.According to witnesses, he shot at a deer, but the gun backfired and killed him.According to witnesses, he was on a hunting trip in Apeju Street, Oba-Ile, Akure North Local Government Area, Ondo State.Some claimed the deer’s body bore “Ifa” inscriptions.ADVERTISEMENTOne of the witnesses said: “When the wife of the deceased realized her husband did not return home on that day, she became worried. She puts a call to him but his phone was ringing without any response.“The wife became afraid and called the deceased’s sister and some other neighbors who embarked on a search for him.“By the time they got to the farm, they met him lying helpless on the ground with the mysterious deer, standing by his side.Police arrest House on the Rock pastor bearing AK-47 on the pulpit“They met him in the bush with his hand held onto his body where he sustained a bullet wound.“They met the deer beside the hunter unhurt but was caught when it tried to escape. They discovered Ifa inscriptions on the deer.”ADVERTISEMENTThe source said the deer was taken to Oba Ile Police station but later died.Police sources at the Oba-Ile Police Division confirmed the report.RelatedThugs set church ablaze in OndoFebruary 12, 2023Boy dies after smoking coloradoDecember 22, 2020Sotitobire: Ondo pastor jailed for life over missing childOctober 6, 2020RELATED TOPICS:AKUREAKURE NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENTCHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH (CAC)GEORGE OLUSANYA OMOOLORUNOBA-ILEOKE IDAHUNONDO STATEPASTORUP NEXTAtiku holds final campaign rally, vows to deliver his promisesDON'T MISSNorth Korea fires a ballistic missile at JapanADVERTISEMENTYOU MAY LIKEGuinness World Record: Ondo Schoolboy holds title for most skipsThugs set church ablaze in OndoNaira, Fuel Protest: Ondo residents storm the streetPastor fakes own death to avoid debt repaymentOndo civil servants maternity leave extends to six monthsHerbalist dies in hotel with another’s man wife in EkitiCLICK TO COMMENT
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