News Society Crime Justice Rape Obscene“My Grandfather Made Me Pregnant And I Hate The Child” Lady Comes Out Seeking Help From Kenyans
If you are a social media user you must have came across Lynn Ngugi show which airs stories about Kenyans who had gone through hard situations with an aim of encouraging others and helping those who were affected through the right procedure. Some hours ago she interviewed a Kenyan girl who is now 26 years old and a mother of two children.According to her, she was raised by her grandmother after their father died in an accident in 2003 and her mother died in 2007 after she fell sick. After finishing her form four exam she went to live with her aunt who was a first cousin to her father. After exam results were out they disagreement arises between them after she forced her to do a course she was not interested in.The Aunt would therefore send her to the brother to her grandfather for counselling since he was a pastor and a councillor. It happened that one day they had a disagreement and she sent her at night to his house and nobody was around and the grandmother had told her she would came home at around 1pm.Late that night at around 1pm her grandfather came into her room and raped her where she lost conscious and woke up later to find herself sleeping on the floor naked. She thought it was a dream and she immediately took a shower and left the house without talking to anyone since she was traumatized and went back to her aunt.After few days she fell sick and went to hospital where she was diagnosed with malaria and at the same time she was pregnant. The doctor said she couldn't take Malaria pills since they would cause miscarriage which she went and bought to a nearby chemist and decided to terminate the pregnancy.She took the full dose two times and went to school where she fell sick and she was taken to hospital and that is where he aunt realized she was pregnant. The Aunt told her to tell the grandfather she was pregnant for him and the grandfather said he had high blood pressure and everything ended there.She went back to her grandmother home and she started developing stroke where she was bedridden for six months and when she got better the pregnancy was too big to terminate. Her grandmother promised that they would take care of the child and when she gave birth to her she resembled the grandfather and she decided to seek justice.She moved to FIDA and the officer she found was corrupted by the grandfather and justice was never served. She said that whenever she looks at the child she feels double pain and she doesn't love her to a point the girl fears her despite her being her biological mother. Watch the full video below.If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at)opera.com
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