De Money Seed Tv Update Today: A W!cked woman beats 5 years old girl for taking food from the Pot.
A woman with a popular name called FA who is a resident of Murray town Barracks allegedly be@ts this 5-year-old girl merc!lessly for taking food from a pot to eat unknown to her after she deprived her throughout the day from eating.
This 5-year-old girl was recently brought by this woman who is an aunt from the village to help her with domestic work at home.
According to an eye witness, this is just one of several child cases of abúse this particular woman usually does to this poor little girl in the name of discipline.
The woman is boasting about the fact that her husband is a soldier and no one can do anything, not even the police.
They live in a popular compound called Capt. Thoranka's compound within the same Murray town barracks.