ungoma: Woman Bites Father-In-Law's Private Parts In Row
By Namisi Cheptai Published on: January 31, 2023 04:59 (EAT)
Vincent Barasa, whose privates parts were allegedly bitten off by his daughter-in-law following a dispute.Vincent Barasa is said to have allegedly been attacked by Evelyn Okello, his son's second wife, on Saturday.He reportedly attempted to resolve a physical fight between the woman and her friend at their home in Kimaeti sub-county.According to Barasa, he was having his dinner at around 4pm when he heard a commotion in his son Godfrey Wekesa's house.
A 78-year-old man in Bumula Constituency, Bungoma County, is nursing injuries after his private parts were allegedly bitten off by his daughter-in-law following a dispute.Vincent Barasa is said to have allegedly been attacked by Evelyn Okello, his son's second wife, on Saturday as he attempted to resolve a physical fight between the woman and her friend at their home in Kimaeti sub-county.According to Barasa, he was having his dinner at around 4pm when he heard a commotion in his son Godfrey Wekesa's house. One of his grandchildren informed him that his daughter-in-law was fighting with another lady from a nearby market.He immediately rushed to the scene in an attempt to resolve the altercation but was met with objection and decided to turn back without further effort.No sooner had he turned back, than the lady followed him and hit him with a stone. He fell unconscious and the lady sat on him biting his chest.Attempts by the old man to push her away turned futile as the lady moved back and bit his private parts.“As I was going back, it seems the lady was angry so she threw a stone at me and struck the backside of my head. She then proceeded to bite my manhood,” he explained.Following the incident, angry residents who arrived at the scene gave the lady and her husband a thorough beating before taking the elderly man for treatment.Wekesa said his wife is prone to violence and has often allegedly even threatened to kill him and his daughter.Police are in hot pursuit of the lady who has since gone into hiding.